
MantisDroid v.1.1

MantisDroid och MantisDroid Free har uppdaterats till v.1.1.

Feature-release med följande ändringar:

-Subproject support implemented.
-Icons in dashboard have better sizes on large screens.
-Button to start QR code scan added to login screen.
-Support for ordinary http/https links added for scanned QR codes.
-View status of project is now displayed in project list.
-New icons to save and cancel report issue and create project. The floppy/diskette icon is now put to the past.
-MantisDroid Free got a new launcher icon to make it different from the full version.

Ladda hem från Play Store: MantisDroid och MantisDroid Free.


MantisDroid v.1.0.2

MantisDroid och MantisDroid Free har uppdaterats till v.1.0.2.
Buggfix-release med följande ändringar:

-Fixed issue with Touchwiz on SGS3.
-New icons that support all screen sizes.
-Improved error message in login screen.
-Input fields in the login screen is no longer cleared while switching between apps.
-App size is smaller by moving out not used images.

Ladda hem från Play Store: MantisDroid